I feel this big calling to share this with you all. I have spoken about it on my IG before but I just think EVERY WOMAN NEEDS THIS INFO! I am so thankful to Alisa Vitti for writing the book In The Flo. I know some of you are not big readers or life can be SO busy so I want to share some main points I learned from her book and how it has impacted my life so far. Then if you want to learn SO much more I suggest you order it. I have never done this for a book and no this is not sponsored. I just wish we had learned this in middle school.
The whole time I read this book I was like oh wow that’s why I felt that way. I am very in tune with my body. I can feel my period the day before that it is going to come. I have always noticed the patterns of my body but didn’t have the wordage or what it meant. Basically the 24 hour clock is not working for women because that is based on men’s anatomy (suprise suprise). Well our body, mind and emotions have different needs throughout the month. No you are not crazy for sometimes suddenly not wanting to be around people and then having times in the month when you do. Our 28 day clock is divided up into 4 sections and during that time we have different needs.
Menstrual Phase – Phase 1
- Lasts 3-7 Days
- Hormones are at their lowest levels
- This is where the two sides of your brain work best together
- Great time to review, reflect and analyze whatever you are working on/through
- Great time to turn inward and journal
- Yoga or walks. Light workout.
Follicular Phase – Phase 2
- Lasts 7-10 days
- Hormones are beginning to rise.
- Creativity and flow is high during this phase.
- Cardio, new classes, zumba, etc. are great during this time.
- Best time for sex in your flow.
Ovulation Phase – Phase 3
- Lasts 3-5 days
- Great time to communicate what you need
- You feel more outgoing as your hormones are at a high.
- High impact workouts are best during this time.
- Great time for sex especially for baby making.
Luteal Phase – Phase 4
- Lasts 10-14 days.
- Your hormone levels reach their peak and begin to fall right before bleeding so you may start with high energy and end with low.
- Your brain is about task completion and getting things done. That is why I just got done organizing my whole house again! I know when I enter this phase because I crave more alone time and want to deep clean.
- At the beginning of the phase you may experience being more outgoing but could lessen towards the end.
So why does any of this matter….?
Well because we can be our best and most productive selves if we know our flow and what we need. If a car needs a different oil but you keep putting the wrong one it wont run as smooth (sorry first thing that came to mind haha). Same thing with our body. Knowing what to feed it during that time is important. In her book she goes into what foods are great during this time as well. I just broke it down as simply as possible. If you are trying to do a highly intense workout during your period you may feel you are failing but it is actually going against your body’s natural needs. It is also so helpful in making plans. When I know I am on my period I know what I need. When I know I will be in a more creative space I write down many post ideas because I know I wont be at my prime all month long in that department. You are more productive and happier when you work with your cycle.
Oh there is an APP…

So at the very least you should get the in flo app. It tells you where you are at in your stages. What you may be needing. It helps you be mindful of what you need because sometimes we are forgetful. Especially as moms, I forget to eat a meal so of course I will forget to remember where I am on my flow. I have it connected to my apple watch and it tells me when I enter a new phase.
How has it impacted me since reading the book?
I have for many years been really in tune with my needs but didn’t feel like they were valid or something was off with me. It has changed that in validating me. It has also helped me take better care of myself. I am more productive when that is at its peak and take time for rest when I know that is what I need. It has helped me be more present and conscious of myself. I am setting healthy boundaries around my clock. I am not on a 24 hour clock but know that this rhythm is so important and part of my womanly nature.
Fun Fact: The US soccer team trains according to their cycle. 😉
Thanks for reading and please share to help educate other women. Periods are the most natural part in life. You would not be here without them. They need more attention and care.
E. Maloku