It is no secret that I love to read and everyone who knows me knows my extensive library. In recent years due to being a mother I have been listening to books more so than reading but I know I will be back to paper back one day (I hope). Bringing it to these 8 books after at least a book weekly means that I had to really dig deep and see why I love these 8 the most. I will have a list for the books that have helped me grow the most as well on my journey. So without further or due… here we go (they are not in order by best to worst just putting them out there).
The first book I am putting on here I have listened to 3 times. Not only are the contents of the book amazing but she also has the best reading voice. Wish she could read all my books. She is a therapist who shares what she has learned as a mother and through her clients. I love it so much. Her valuable insight will help everyone in some way.

The next book is on this list because I think it is important to have that mind shift of no child being bad but what they are actually trying to tell you with their actions. This book is less formal so if that bothers you this may not be the one for you. I read it in a day. It was really good.

This next book is so important in learning about the family dynamics and how they impact the child’s development. It is not just the mother or father. It is the generations of struggles before that are being passed down. We have 2 of her books on this list because I love her work in this space.

This book is great and full of examples of how we can handle discipline in a much more constructive way.

This book as a mother gave me such a different perspective of life and how to parent Avan. I think every mother with a son would benefit from this book.

This book is amazing for children 3 and over. This is when they are learning to be and do on their own and how we have conversations about things impact the child’s ability and confidence. I love this book!

This book is important for understanding the science of the child’s brain. Your child is not developing at the pace we may be thinking just because they can talk. They are still processing things and parents need to be conscious of this.

The final one I saved for the end because some may not consider this as a parenting book but I think it is the most important book to parent yourself again. As women we have so many layers due to society and our families. Especially mothers with daughters I think would truly benefit from this book. It is specifically for women.

I hope you love these books as much as I have. Please let me know your thoughts if you read them.
Thank you for being here,