I have to start with a preface story so it all makes sense. At 36ish weeks I had contractions and went in, I was 3cm dilated. We thought this was it but it was super scary because the hospital’s policy was that he would have to be in NICU until he turned 37 weeks. I was like damn this sucks but if it’s the time we can not help it. Fast forward to 2 days and nothing was happening so they sent me home ( I was really happy about this) They were certain I would be back by the end of the week. We went home and our dog passed away the next day. It was a very tough week and I am so glad I didn’t give birth then.

I would go in for my appointments every week still and I was 5CM DILATED FOR A WHOLE MONTH! My midwife said she had never seen that happen. She told me every week I am sure you won’t be back next week. Yet there we would be wobbling in.

I really wanted my water to break naturally and go about it that way so I waited till 41 weeks and a few days but then it wouldn’t be safe anymore because of his shoulders so we had to be induced. I was already halfway there and the nurses would tell me how most people get an epidural by 5cm’s and you really don’t feel those contractions? They could see them on the monitor. I began the induction at like 5/6pm on 4/20. Then I was trying to just relax. I made no progress so they broke my water at like 1 am because she had to make the rounds. At that point 1 hour later I went from 5cms to 9cms at 9cms I finally really felt it because he was moving down but it was only for about 10 minutes, then I was ready to push. My nurse and Michael were the only ones in the room. The nurse kept calling the midwife because she could tell things were moving FAST. I had my eyes closed the whole time. I was meditating through it. I was telling myself how my mom, grandma and ancestors have all done this. I can do it. Michael was telling me I looked so beautiful as he was holding my leg and the nurse was holding the other one. Then the midwife and all the nurses who checked him were rushing around trying to set up and told me to wait. I was like I can’t, he’s about to come. She’s like I see his head and put her gloves on so fast and got him out. Haha

2 pushes later he was born. Michael cut his umbilical cord.I had the most ideal first birth. He was born and immediately went searching for my boob and we had the much anticipated skin to skin. He was born on April 2, 2018 at 2:42am 7lbs 10oz 21inches long. He never went to another room and stayed with me the whole time because that is what I felt best with and has been with me ever sense. All of the anxiety of the first almost birth and walking around 5cm dilated for a month must have had God like hey I’ll cut her a break. It was a 9 hour birthing process from start to finish so I know how uncommon and what a blessing that was. I feel so grateful for Michael because besides pushing him out himself he did everything perfectly.He went to every single appointment. He took really great care of us before Avan was born and after. Sorry for yelling at you about driving too fast on the way home it was the hormones baby ;).

Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet boy who has taught me so much about love and life.
Thanks for reading. Lots of love!
E. Maloku